High School (AP) (9-10)
High school at Al-Arqam is coined as Al-Arqam College Prep (ACP) and is divided into two categories. The first category is AP High School, which encompasses the first two years of high school (i.e., freshman year and sophomore year).
In addition to the courses of the curriculum, freshmen are to complete the Personal Service Project, which is a seven-month-long independent course that can be on any topic and can take any form as long as it has a strong connection to at least one area of interaction in accordance to the guidelines. Students select a project of their interest or an area of study/field that they like to further their learning and exploration. Students will develop life-long skills, deeper understanding, and gain experiences that can be sustainable for many years and benefit the larger community. This project will include an actual project of interest, a process journal and a summary personal report, and a final presentation to a panel of judges. The personal service project provides students with a first-hand learning experience upon entering high school and in preparation for the Creativity Activity, and Services (CAS) personal project taken during the IB Diploma Programme years.
The curriculums for freshman and sophomore year are as follows:
Freshman Year:
- English - course follows the Springboard curriculum in which students develop and refine their critical thinking and reading skills, improve their writing in various genres, and conduct research. Students will compose narrative, expository, and persuasive works of their own using skills acquired from reading, individual analysis, and classroom activities structured around the theme of Coming of Age. Students will also read and analyze novels within the five units such as "To Kill A Mockingbird" and reflect on the relevance of Shakespeare's work in the modern world.
- Geometry - course follows the Springboard curriculum and emphasizes the study of geometry as a logical system based on deductive reasoning. Students learn how to solve right triangle and trigonometric functions and develop formulas to determine the volume of rotational solids, solids with known cross-sections, and area beneath a curve. Students will also clearly explain their work to demonstrate their reasoning process from start to finish with regard to subjects such as postulates and theorems.
- Biology - course is aligned with the California Common Core Standards (CCCS) and the Next Generation State Standards (NGSS), engaging students in the study of life and living organisms, surveying biology in the real world. The lab section of the course involves activities such as observing microscopic material, and dissection of organisms (e.g., sharks). Students will be challenged to develop scientific thinking, reading, writing, and numeracy skills throughout the course year. Course subjects include biochemistry, cell biology, cell processes, microbiology, heredity and reproduction, the evolution of life, human body systems, ecology, environmental issues, populations, concepts of measurement, microscopic use, scientific method, and problem-solving.
- Arabic - ACTFL standards are used to increase the students' proficiency in the Arabic language. Communicating is expanded through speaking, listening, reading, and writing and is developed further using higher-level texts. The course utilizes the text, "Al Arabia Bayna Yadaik 2, Part 1, covering topics Health, Hobbies, Married Life, Urban Life, Knowledge & Learning, Types of Jobs, Arabic Language, and Gifts & Rewards.
- Geography & Government - geography is taught in the first semester in which students learn the relationship between humans and their environments across the globe. Students also learn more about the climate and ecosystem, population and culture, and resources and land. The course also dissects each of the continents of North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Pacific World. American Government is a course taught in the second semester in which students understand the structure and the organization of the government and the political system. Topics include the Constitution, civil rights, interest groups, politics, voting, Congress, the Presidency, the Judiciary, laws, public policies, state and local government, and current events. Students read and analyze historical articles (e.g., primary and secondary sources), that develop and increase comprehension and critical thinking skills.
- Islamic Studies - this course will cover two topics: "A Brief Introduction to the 'Aqidah of Ahlas-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah," and "Search of the Prophet - When the Moon Split." The former focuses on providing students with a basic understanding of their creed, which is the fundamental element of Islam. It covers the six pillars of Iman, briefly describes Muslim sects, and goes over the concepts Dunya and al-Akhira. The latter focuses on the Prohpet Muhammad's biography: his early life, the first revelation, the persecuation of early Muslims, the migration to Abssinia and Yathrib, the establishment of the first Islamic state, the major battles, the Prophet's marriages, and his death.
- Tafseer of the Qur'an - course covers different themes and with each theme, students will learn proper recitation and memorization of the selected ayaat, understand basic tajweed rules, understand and explain vocabulary words, and be able to interpret the ayaat. The following themes include the oneness of Allah, life and death, spending in the cause of Allah, ethical commandments, and Luqman's advice to his son.
Sophomore Year:
- AP English - follows the AP Standards of College Board, serving as an introductory college-level composition course in which students cultivate their understanding of writing and rhetorical arguments through reading, analyzing, and writing texts as they explore topics like rhetorical situations, claims and evidence, reasoning and organization, and style. This course focuses on the development and revision of evidence-based analytic and argumentative writing, the rhetorical analysis of nonfiction texts, and the decisions writers make as they compose and revise. Students evaluate, synthesize, and cite research to support their arguments, as well as read and analyze rhetorical elements and their effects in nonfiction texts - including images as forms of text - from a range of disciplines and historical periods. Students may opt to take the Advanced Placement (AP) Exam for college credit.
- Algebra II - students develop strong skills in mathematical thinking and become fluent in the construction of mathematical arguments. This course is suitable for students who may go on to further study the subject or others that have a significant level of mathematical content, such as engineering, physical sciences, or economics. There is a strong emphasis on calculus and algebraic, graphical, and numerical approaches. The five advanced topics covered are Numbers and Algebra, Functions, Geometry and Trigonometry, Probability and Statistics, and Calculus.
- Physics - course adheres to California Common Core Standards (CCCS) and the Next Generation State Standards (NGSS). It's an A-G high school conceptual physics course, in which students will apply and demonstrate learned concepts and mathematical relationships. This course covers the basics of linear motion such as speed, velocity, and acceleration; projectile motion and how to differentiate between scalar and vector quantities; Newton's three laws of motion regarding inertia, force and acceleration, and action-reaction forces; momentum, impulse, and impact; types of energy including work and power and how both can be used to calculate the efficiency of a machine; circular motion and how is the effect of centripetal and centrifugal "forces": heat/heat exchange and transfer, temperature and expansion; waves and sound; and electricity and electromagnetism.
- Arabic - ACTFL standards are used to increase the students' proficiency in the Arabic language. Communicating is expanded through speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and is developed using higher-level texts that discuss etiquette, friendship, and character. Students study from the text, "Al Arabia Bayna Yadaik 2, Part 2," and discuss units 9 - 16 as follows: "The World is a Small Village," "Cleanliness," "Islam," "Youth," "Muslims Around the World," "Safety and Security," "Pollution," and "Energy."
- AP U.S History - students investigate significant events, individuals, developments, and processes in nine historical periods from approximately 1491 to the present. Students develop and use the same skills and methods employed by historians such as analyzing primary and secondary sources, developing historical arguments, making historical connections, and utilizing reasoning about comparison, causation, and continuity and change. The course also provides eight themes that students explore throughout the course in order to make connections among historical developments in different times and places: American and national identity, work, exchange, and technology; geography and the environment; migration and settlement; politics and power; America in the world; American and regional culture; and social structures.
- Islamic Studies - course is divided into two sections. The first section covers the Book of Manners, which focuses on a set of manners that are comprehensive of worldly matters and religious matters of worship and dealings. It also discusses religious practices in different types of manners related to Allah's book, the Qur'an, one's self, one's family and relatives, fellow Muslims, and non-Muslims. In addition, the course is designed to help students build character and integrate their Muslim identity into western society. The second section discusses the topic, the Purification Act & Salah, which covers religious practices of purification (at-taharah). it will focus on the different types of water, purification etiquettes during urination and defecation, impurities, purification for prayer, utensils used by non-Muslims, ghusl, and menstruation. Demonstrations of ablution and prayer will be conducted to help students improve their worship of Allah (SWT). Students will also learn the elements of salah based on accurate evidence and proof.
- Tafseer of the Qur'an - course is a thematic tafseer of the Noble Qur'an, and simultaneously covers certain themes from the Qur'an with related ayaat: ayaat ud-Dain (Al-Baqarah 1:282 - 283), ayaat about nikkah and those who are prohibited to marry (An Nisaa 4:19 - 28), halal and haraam regarding food (Al Ma'idah 5: 1 - 5), the story of Musa and Khidr (Al Kahf 18: 60 - 82), and Qur'anic supplications (Al Baqarah 1: 284 - 286 and Al Imran 3: 189 - 200). By the end of the year, students will have achieved the following: proper recitation and memorization of the selected ayaat, understanding of the basic tajweed rules, understanding and memorization of new vocabulary terms, and the ability to interpret and explain the ayaat previously listed (Tafseer).
Physical Education for both freshman year and sophomore year follows the California Standards and is designed to help students practice and develop skills in activities that will help them maintain fitness throughout their lives. Student fitness levels will be assessed in the following areas: cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, and muscular endurance.
Art for both freshman year and sophomore year provides an introduction to art through a multimedia experience. Students will learn and apply their knowledge of elements and principles of art, art history, and aesthetics by creating art projects using a variety of techniques in painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, and other forms of fine art. Students will use the creative and critical analysis processes and interpret art within personal, contemporary, and historical contexts. Students are also required to keep a sketchbook journal and continue to build art vocabulary and apply it on an everyday basis.
For more information with regards to AP high school, please contact our office.