Tarbiya is a character-building program at Al-Arqam where students live Islam as a way of life. Tarbiya is an Arabic word that refers to character building. The "O" of the TORCH is "observing and living Islam." The school goal is for the students to utilize their knowledge of Islam and applies to their life. and This has been included as part of the school's expectations and is listed as Al-Arqam's Schoolwide Learner Outcomes (SLOs). Tarbiya is a collaborative effort between home and school.
Every morning, students start their day with a morning assembly aimed at reciting supplications and verses of the Qur'an. The Tarbiya Coordinator works with the administration team to hold assemblies, morning reflections, and hadith of the weeks that is connected to the schoolwide learner outcomes.
Teachers integrate Islamic teachings during their daily lesson plans.